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Angular & TypeScript


Please ensure each input field and button has a descriptive ID. This will allow QA to more efficiently write test automation.

The IDs should have the three following components:

  • Component Name: To ensure IDs stay unique we prefix them with the component name. While this may change it rarely does and since we avoid re-using the same component name multiple times this should be unique.
  • HTML Element: This allows you at a quick glance understand what we're accessing.
  • Readable name: Descriptive name of what we're accessing.

Please use dashes within components, and separate the components using underscore.

<component name>_<html element>_<readable name>


When writing components for the component library it's sometimes necessary to ensure an ID exists in order to properly handle accessibility with references to other elements. Consider using an auto generated ID but ensure it can be overridden. Use the following naming convention for automatic IDs:

<component selector>-<incrementing number>


Please ensure words in the selector are separated using dash and not camelCase.

JavaScript / TypeScript

We use Prettier and ESLint to automatically format and lint the code base. npm ci will automatically install pre-commit hooks to run Prettier and ESLint on your changes each time you create a commit.

Alternatively, you can run them manually:

npm run prettier
npm run lint:fix

Angular Style Guide

We generally follow the Angular Style Guide.

Variable Naming

  • For boolean variables, use base word, do not include prefixes such as is, has, etc. unless meaning cannot be conveyed without it, such as to avoid confusion with another property.


We have a couple of guidelines when writing RxJS code, which are enforced using the eslint-plugin-rxjs and the eslint-plugin-rxjs-angular. These rules are designed to assist in avoiding common RxJS pitfalls which can cause Observables to not be cleaned up, or behave unexpectedly.

Avoid subscriptions

Whenever possible we should avoid explicit subscriptions, and instead use the | async pipe in the templates. This will ensure that the subscription is cleaned up when the component is destroyed without any of the boilerplate.

To this end, we can use the .pipe operation along with the rxjs operators to modify the input observable into something we can display.

Consider the following example, it's quite easy to forget to unsubscribe from the observable, we also have a bit more boilerplate than we'd like.

private destroy$ = new Subject();
public transformed = [];

.subscribe((v) => {
transformed = transform(v);

ngOnDestroy() {

// Template
<div *ngFor="let t of transformed">

Now instead consider the following example, in which we replaced the subscribe with | async.

transformed$ = observable$.pipe(map(transform));

// Template
<div *ngFor="let t of transformed$ | async">

Unsubscribe using takeUntil

Dangling subscriptions are a common cause of memory leaks. To avoid this we use the prefer-takeUntil rule. Which requires that any subscription is first piped through a takeUntil operator.

The main benefit of the takeUntil pattern is that reviewers can at a quick glance verify the subscription is cleaned up.

private destroy = new Subject<void>();

ngOnInit() {
// This subscription will automatically be cleaned up when `this.destroy$` emits.
.subscribe(value => console.log);

ngOnDestroy() {;

No async subscribes

Async subscriptions rarely work as you expect them. Rather than executing in sequence, there is a chance of them executing in parallel. Which can easily lead to unexpected behavior. To avoid this, async subscriptions are forbidden in our codebase, and you instead need to pick the right operation.

Some appropriate operators are:

  • switchMap: Cancels the previous operation making it appropriate for scenarios where we do not care about old results after a new input has been received.
  • concatMap: Runs the async operations in order, preventing parallel and out of order execution. Use this if we care about processing each event.
  • mergeMap: Please consider carefully if this is the right operator for your use case. mergeMap will flatten observables but not care about the order. If ordering is important use concatMap. If you only care about the latest value use switchMap.