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Load Tests

Load tests are available as k6 scripts for executing locally or in the cloud, focused on exercising the platform at scale.

Configuration and parameters

Two environment variables are used for all tests:

  • IDENTITY_URL: URL of the Identity instance for authentication.
  • API_URL: URL of the API instance for load testing operations once authenticated.
  • CLIENT_ID: X-ClientId header value for all requests, to track unique clients and manage rate limiting.

Depending on the APIs under test, password or client credentials grants are used. For password:

  • AUTH_USER_EMAIL: User email address.
  • AUTH_USER_PASSWORD_HASH: Hash of the user's master password.

For client credentials:

  • AUTH_CLIENT_ID: OAuth client ID.
  • AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: OAuth client secret.

Grafana's online presence is used to host the scripts in the cloud and has all of the above configured. For local testing you may need to generate an ID and secret.

Getting started

  1. Install and configure k6 locally.
  2. (optional) Log in to your cloud account with a token.
  3. Run your scripts!

For local runs this is as simple as:

k6 run script.js

If you'd like to stream your results to the cloud, add the --out=cloud parameter. To pass environment variables, use the -e parameter e.g. -e IDENTITY_URL="http://localhost:4000".

For cloud runs directly:

k6 cloud script.js

Scheduled runs happen automatically in the cloud.

Creating new scripts

Some examples already exist that can be copied. For a simple GET operation, look at the /config test. For a more thorough CRUD suite, look at the /public/groups tests.

Best practices

Checks should be simple and look for status codes and the necessary elements to continue operating such as IDs. Avoid functional testing as that is covered by unit and automation tests in most cases; the goal for load tests is to stress the system, not ensure correctness.

The options at the top of each script should at a minimum contain the ext info that's used in the cloud. Choose a good name, and set the same name down in the tags element of params; this is used to group requests and collect accurate metrics.

k6 provides utility scripts that can be included and a commonly-used uuidv4 helper can generate UUIDs for placing in request properties. The k6 HTTP library does not assume requests should be formatted as JSON so use JSON.stringify for bodies.

An authentication helper is available and is expected to be needed for essentially all tests.


Stages are used to configure variable load as the script executes:

stages: [
{ duration: "30s", target: 10 },
{ duration: "1m", target: 20 },
{ duration: "2m", target: 25 },
{ duration: "30s", target: 0 },

The above ramps up load to 10 VUs over 30 seconds, then to 20 VUs over one minute, then even higher to 25 VUs over two minutes, before finally ramping down to no load over a final 30 seconds.

Depending on goals this could be changed, and it's generally expected that all tests will use the same stages for uniformity.


Thresholds are similarly used to set expectations for load test success:

thresholds: {
http_req_failed: ["rate<0.01"],
http_req_duration: ["p(95)<1500"]

Failed request count could arguably be set to zero, but a 1% failure rate is allowed for brief aberrations. Duration over 95% of the requests -- P95 -- is to be measured over several runs for a baseline.

Not only will the checks within scripts build up metrics, but core and (if desired) custom metrics can be referred to for thresholds. Again, it's generally expected that all tests will use the same thresholds as a base.


Best seen in the cloud where interactive graphs and charts are available, results contain:

  • P95 response time.
  • Request totals and requests per second.
  • VUs in use.
  • HTTP request details and their resulting checks.
  • Thresholds.

Baselines are set for scripts once they are created and stabilized, and can be used for comparisons over time.