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Client login strategies

Our authentication methods are defined via “strategies” in our client code. These strategies are:

  • Password Login Strategy: Authentication with an email address and master password.
  • Passwordless Login Strategy: Authentication with a Login with Device one-time access code.
  • API Login Strategy: Authentication with an API key and secret.
  • SSO Login Strategy: Authentication with an SSO IdP through SAML or OpenIDConnect.

Regardless of the strategy, “logging in” to Bitwarden requires POSTing a request to the /connect/token endpoint on our Identity server. The contents of this request vary by several factors, but the most important is the login strategy.

Client requests a token

For each of these strategies, the client forms a TokenRequest though one of its subclasses:

Each of these requests overrides the toIdentityToken() method, which is responsible for translating the information in the TokenRequest into the payload that will be sent to the /connect/token endpoint on our Identity server.

Common properties of all authentication requests

The following properties are common to authentication requests generated from all of our login strategies.

deviceTypeThe DeviceType for the requesting device.
deviceNameThe string representation of the DeviceType for the requesting device.
deviceIdentifierThe unique identifier for the device, generated on the device when the application is installed.
twoFactorTokenFor users who have two-factor authentication enabled, contains the token generated by the 2FA provider. Empty otherwise. See Two-Factor Authentication for details.
twoFactorTokenProviderThe 2FA provider that generated the token in twoFactorToken. Empty otherwise.
twoFactorRememberIndicates whether the user has requested to remember their 2FA choice.

Type-specific authentication request properties

Password token requests

  • Grant Type: password
  • Headers: Auth-Email header is set to base-64 encoding of user email address
Content PropertyDescription
client_idThe ClientType enum value for the type of client making the request.
scopeapi offline access
usernameEmail address
passwordMaster Password Hash or access code if Login with Device
captchaResponseCaptcha response token if provided (see Captcha documentation for details)
authRequestThe Login with Device authentication request ID, if this is a Login with Device request

API token requests

  • Grant Type: client_credentials
  • Headers: None
Content PropertyDescription
client_idclient_id provided by API client
client_secretclient_secret provided by API client
scopeapi.organization if the client_id starts with “organization”, api otherwise

SSO token requests

  • Grant Type: authorization_code
  • Headers: None
Content PropertyDescription
codeCode provided on SSO login in the code query string parameter
code_verifierUnique 64-digit verifier generated prior to SSO request on the client
redirect_uriSet to /sso-connector.html in SsoComponent and LinkSsoComponent

Identity API grants access

When the Identity service receives the token request at the /connect/token endpoint, one of two classes take over, based on the grant type specified in the authentication request.

For more information on the responsibility of each of these validators, see the IdentityServer4 documentation.

Validating the request

Password token validation (ResourceOwnerPasswordValidator)

What grant type?

This validator is responsible for issuing tokens for password grant type.

In order for the request to be validated, the following must be true:

  • The Auth-Email header must be present and correct.
  • The request does not require Captcha, or if it does a valid captchaResponse is provided (see Captcha documentation for details).
  • The request does not require 2FA, or if it does a valid twoFactorToken is provided (see 2FA documentation)
  • If the request has an authRequest property (i.e. is a Passwordless request), the access code is valid and the request has not expired.
  • The password is correct. This could be either:
    • The master password hash matches the database record for the user, or
    • The Login with Device access code has not expired and matches the server-side code on the authRequest presented by the client.
  • The user is not part of an organization that requires SSO.

API token request validation (CustomTokenRequestValidator)

What grant type?

This validator is responsible for issuing tokens for client_credential grant type.

There are different types of clients that can request access with the client_credential grant type:

Client TypePurpose
InstallationUsed for private client communication from the self-hosted API to the push relay for mobile push notifications. Each self-hosted installation authenticates as itself and has access to submit push notification requests.
InternalUsed for communication between the API and Notifications services. This is only used for self-hosted installations, where notifications are sent directly to the SignalR notification hub instead of going to an Azure Queue.
OrganizationUsed for organizations to make changes on behalf of the organization and not individual users.
UserUsed for individual users to perform actions using their own API token. In this case, the user’s claims are added to the access_token as if the user were logging in via the password flow.

The different API client types all have different validation. The key to client_credentials grant type validation is the ClientStore that is built in to IdentityServer (and overridden in our code). The ClientStore is queried on each request in the .NET request middleware pipeline to find the client for a given client_id from the request.

Client TypeValidation Logic
InstallationEnsure that the provided client_secret matches the installation key for the installation ID provided in client_id.
InternalEnsure that the provided client_secret matches the InternalIdentityKey configured in Global Settings. If Identity and API are sharing the same configuration, these will match by definition.
OrganizationEnsure that the provided client_secret matches the installation key for the organization ID provided in client_id.
UserEnsure that the provided client_secret matches the API key for the user ID provided in client_id.

SSO token request validation (CustomTokenRequestValidator)

What grant type?

This validator is responsible for issuing tokens for authorization_code grant type.

The validation of the code in the authorization_code in the request is done by IdentityServer (see the documentation here). The code has been obtained via an SSO flow and is now being presented to IdentityServer to exchange for an access_token.

Generating a response

Once the request has been validated through the appropriate logic for the given grant type, the Identity API will generate a response. At Bitwarden, this response contains an access_token with claims and also a custom JSON object that contains essential information to start the vault decryption process.

Known Device

It is at this point, when the token request has been validated, that the requesting device is stored and associated with the user as a “known device”.

Authentication information

For a validated password and SSO token requests (grant types of password and authorization_code), the response will contain an access_token, which is a JWT with the following claims:

  • device - the device identifier.
  • premium - a boolean indicating whether they have access to premium features.
  • email - the user’s email address.
  • email_verified - whether the user has verified their email address.
  • sstamp - the user’s security stamp (a unique GUID for the user stored in the User table and regenerated when a new password or key is generated). A changed sstamp indicates that the user should re-authenticate.
  • name - The user’s name.
  • Organization claims
    • orgowner - The ID of any org(s) for which the user is the owner.
    • orgadmin - The ID of any org(s) for which the user is the administrator.
    • orgmanager - The ID of the org(s) for which the user is the manager.
    • orguser - The ID of the org(s) for which the user is a user.
    • orgcustom - The ID of the org(s) for which the user has custom permissions. In this case, the user will also have custom claims added as defined for that org.
  • Provider claims
    • providerprovideradmin - The ID of the provider(s) for which the user is an admin.
    • providerserviceuser - The ID of the provider(s) for which the user is a user.

For API token requests (grant type of client_credentials), the response differs based on the client type, as follows:

Client TypeClaims
Installationsub - the installation ID
Internalsub - the internal ID
Organizationsub - the organization ID
Usersub - the user ID
amr - set to Application and external
Plus all of the user claims from a password authentication request as listed above.

Decryption information

The response will also contain a custom JSON response object containing the following properties:

PrivateKeyThe user’s RSA private key, encrypted with the user's symmetric encryption key.
KeyThe user’s symmetric encryption key, encrypted with the user's master password.
UserDecryptionOptionsThe ways that the user has available to them to decrypt their symmetric key. See User Decryption Options for details.
KdfThe user’s defined KDF type.
KdfIterationsThe user’s defined KDF iterations.
ForcePasswordResetA boolean indicating whether the user must immediately reset their password.
MasterPasswordPolicyThe master password policy for any organizations of which the user is a member.
TwoFactorTokenA token that can be used to bypass 2FA. Generated when a user chooses to "remember" their 2FA response.
ResetMasterPassword (obsolete)A boolean indicating whether the user needs to set their master password. It is explicitly set to false for users with Key Connector configured. This has been superseded by UserDecryptionOptions.HasMasterPassword but has been left for backward compatibility.

For API token requests, the following additional properties are added to the response:

  • ApiUseKeyConnector - set to true if the user is set to use Key Connector for master password retrieval.

Client handles the response

When a token request is verified and sent back to the client, the client is responsible for storing the resulting data in state properly, so that the user can authenticate and their vault can be decrypted.

The core logic for handling the token responses is in the processTokenResponse() method in our base LoginStrategy where we do the following:

Use the Authentication information to set up the user’s account

The response contains a JWT access_token that contains user claims and that can be provided on subsequent API requests to authenticate the user, as well as a refresh_token that can be used to request a new access_token without prompting the user to authenticate again.

The claims on the access_token are used to initialize the user's AccountProfile in state, and the access_token and refresh_token are stored on the AccountTokens in state for use on subsequent API requests.

Use the decryption information to prepare for decryption

The AccountKeys (stored in account.keys in state) are also set up in the user's account using the information provided in the token response.

The important keys that are set at this point are:

Device key (deviceKey)

The Device Key is the symmetric encryption key stored on the user's trusted device and is used to decrypt the user's symmetric encryption key when using Trusted Device Encryption.

It is not returned on the request (as it never leaves the device), but it is set on the authenticated user's account state at this point.

User key (userKey)

The User Key is the symmetric encryption key used to decrypt the user's vault.

The specifics of how the User Key is set are defined in each login strategy:

  • Password and Login with Device strategies
    • The Key in the token response is stored in userKeyMasterKey in the account state, and the masterKey already in state from the user entering their master password is used to decrypt and store the userKey.
  • API strategy
    • The Key in the token response is stored in userKeyMasterKey in the account state.
    • If the ApiUseKeyConnector property is set on the token response, we retrieve the masterKey from state and use it to decrypt and store the userKey.
  • SSO strategy
    • Trusted Device Encryption presents us with multiple ways to obtain the User Key, and these are handled here, in the SSO login strategy.
    • These include:
      • Using the device key if the user is on a Trusted Device
      • Using an approved Admin Approval request to receive the key
      • Using the master key if the user has a master password

User private key (privateKey)

If a PrivateKey is provided in the response, it is stored in privateKey.encrypted in the user's account state.

Appendix: UserDecryptionOptions

The token response will contain an instance of UserDecryptionOptions. This object contains the following properties, which describe how a user will be able to decrypt their vault.

  • HasMasterPassword - Will be true if the user has a master password in the database.
  • TrustedDeviceOption - Contains the properties defining whether a user can decrypt their symmetric key using Trusted Device Encryption.
    • HasAdminApproval - Will be true if a user can use Admin Approval to request approval for a new Trusted Device.
    • HasLoginApprovingDevice - Will be true if a user has any eligible devices that can be used to request approval for a new Trusted Device.
    • HasManageResetPasswordPermission - Will be true if the user has the ManageResetPassword permission. This is required so that the receiving client can know whether to require the user to set a master password.
    • EncryptedPrivateKey - If the device making the request is trusted, this will contain the a device-specific private key, encrypted with the device key that exists only on the Trusted Device.
    • EncryptedUserKey - If the device making the request is trusted, this will contain the user's symmetric encryption key, encrypted with the public key corresponding to the private key in EncryptedPrivateKey above.
  • KeyConnectorOption - Contains the properties defining whether a user can decrypt their symmetric key using Key Connector.
    • KeyConnectorUrl - The URL for the Key Connector instance.